Channel: EpicLBPTime
Category: Gaming
Tags: funky fridaysackboymodsfunkinmodbfboyfriendlittle big planetcutscenemoddedlbp3epic lbp timefriday night funkinlittlebigplanet 3new fnf modsdlcfriday night funkin bonus weekepiclbptimefnf modfnfgfmoddingnew friday night funkin modsgamingvideo gamenew friday night funkinfnf whittyoverheadlittlebigplanetballisticbonus weekfriday night funkin modgirlfriendfull weekwhittylbpfriday night funkin musiclittle big planet 3gameplay
Description: As boyfriend opens up his PS3 he opens up LBP and gets sucked into the game from his TV and meets Sackboy. Since you know BF raps with everyone. He challenges Sackboy and others to a fun rap battle. Based on LBP franchise by Media Molecule and Sony. Friday Night Funkin vs LittleBigPlanet. Sackboy mod. Little Big Funkin FNF Mod : 00:00 Cutscene 00:16 Song 1 - Sackboy 02:26 Song 2 - Go Go 04:36 Song 3 - Yellowhead 08:35 Song 4 - Avalonia 12:17 Bonus Song (No Villains Cover) Subscribe to EpicLBPTime for more LBP3 / Little Big Planet 3 FNF videos Subscribe Here! Check out my top videos! Follow Me ▼ Become a Sponsor: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram - LittleBigPlanet Profile: Submit a level ► #FridayNightFunkin #LittleBigPlanet #EpicLBPTime About EpicLBPTime: Hello everyone! If you are a fan of the LittleBigPlanet franchise then you've come to the right place! On this channel you will find the latest LittleBigPlanet content, like Films, Walkthroughs, Level and Costume showcases and much more! EpicLBPTime